How to purchase healthcare equipment
For many decades EBOS healthcare has been providing private hospitals, general practices, day surgeries, specialist clinics, aged care facilities and the public with the best quality health equipment products from all around the world. EBOS is a single resource supply business with product circulation coverage across New Zealand, Australia and the pacific islands. EBOS healthcare provides service to its customers for all health equipment and medical supplies.
Medical equipment sales transactions can be stressful and confusing as many patients are already going through a difficult stage in their life. It is important that health equipment salespeople are knowledgeable and can provide information and show empathy to customers purchasing various medical equipment and accessories. They should be clear and concise in their explanations and demonstrate patience.
EBOS healthcare explores and evaluates new solutions on behalf of its customers. They are working with global manufacturers who have quality products that meet the needs of their customers and share the same values of trust, integrity and quality. EBOS healthcare has over 35,000 products with over 1,000 suppliers and offices located across Australasia. The business is ready to meet the ever-changing needs of the healthcare sector.
By operating within specific business units like Aged Care, Primary Care and hospitals, they dedicate marketing and customer service teams among all channels. With a commitment to sales, they can take the entrepreneurial approach to different areas of supplies. The company can customise their services to meet with the expectations of the different market segments, which then allows for an increase in the value for customers through many tailored solutions. EBOS has extensive market coverage through business divisions, offering extra support to patients through all stages of their lives.

EBOS healthcare divisions
Primary care
General practice, allied health professionals, primary healthcare organisations, accident and emergency
- Delivering high-quality medical equipment and ready to use supplies that combine knowledge and support from staff to over 7,000 clinics within the primary care industry over Australia.
- Broad product ranges offer choices for customers in major product sectors including infection prevention solutions, diagnostics equipment, wound care, fall prevention solutions, practice equipment, medical instruments and pharmaceuticals.
- Their goal is to work with customers to offer support for their continued focus on the improvement of patient care and clinical health outcomes.
Hospitals both public and private
- EBOS healthcare has a strong market presence, supplying both private and public hospitals with medical equipment with a strong focus on commercial areas and clinical areas of business.
- EBOS healthcare focuses on clinical specialities such as medical equipment, infection prevention and patient handling solutions.
- The teamwork alongside their customers and global partners brings innovative products and the right solutions to enhance patient care.
Rehabilitation and aged care
Community care, specialist rehabilitation centres, rest homes
- EBOS focuses on a specialised channel that offers its customers the certainty of a business patient relationship based on knowledge, empathy and expertise in complicated areas
- Aged care providers chose to buy their supplies from EBOS healthcare due to their commitment, support and the high level of service that the team provides.
- With a strong market sector and solid relationships, EBOS offers customers expertise and individual choice in the core disciplines of healthcare including, wound care, general medical solutions, infection prevention solutions and nutritional support.
- EBOS has management systems that consist of high service standards which are committed to developing support platforms that complement your strengths and cultures.
Their goal is to support people and to care for them in the best way they can. EBOS Healthcare provides quality health equipment for everyone who needs it.